There’s that old saying, “Be careful what you ask for; you just might get it”.
As a white assistant professor of mostly white graduate students who w...
The Southern Poverty Law Center has made it their nonprofit mission to root out "bigotry" wherever they find it.
The SPLC is dedicated to fighting ha...
In the real world, it’s a given one can’t go to someone and make “demands” when that person has nothing immediately to lose. But in the isolated world...
Many prominent conservatives are making light of DNC chair candidate Sally Boynton Brown’s “response” to Joy Reid’s question on #BlackLivesMatter duri...
During an interview on Current TV with Alex Bogusky, Al Gore compares climate change skeptics to segregationist racists. Al would know considering h...
In a Daily Kos piece entitled “Afroturfed” by kid funkadelic,
They’re calling it Diversetea but it’s the same old shit we have been swallowing here f...
One of the most satisfying aspects of writing this column is feeling like I’m contributing to a greater good. Many curious college students who seem f...
A few years ago while heading in to work on L.A.’s 405 freeway, I heard a radio interview with writer Shelby Steele. He made a comment that Dr. Martin...