Immediately following a Fox News Channel year-in-review segment, Washington DC’s Fox affiliate’s weekend anchor Maureen Umeh reminded her Saturday night audience that there were other things that happened during 2009 that Shep Smith left out.
Maureen Umeh asked viewers not to forget the “teabaggers”.
To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth of another person.
— Urban Dictionary
I don’t know her so I can’t be sure, but something tells me Maureen Umeh is one of those who voted for Obama because he’s black, is a Democrat, and holds in disdain those who had the nerve to protest against his policies last fall.
I almost stopped short with awarding her our Bonehead recognition because she comes off as one of those potentially oversensitive types who yet feels it’s okay to issue an obscene gay slur to half of her audience but would be all offended if anyone had the nerve to call her out.
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