Alan Keyes Is Right On Reparations… [sarc]

Now I can imagine what emotions may have been running through your head when you read that sarcastic title. I’m quite sure they were similar to those I felt when I was told Illinois U.S. Senate candidate Alan K...

Playing Ketchup

Last week I wrote a column addressing some issues surrounding the Democrat Convention in Boston. I, like many hundreds of others in the mainstream and web media, found lots to talk about. However, the last s...
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A College Interview: Raw

One of the most satisfying aspects of writing this column is feeling like I’m contributing to a greater good. Many curious college students who seem fascinated that a black man has an opinion other than the nar...

Cowards In Black

During an annual parade in our small New England town, the local peace activists “The Women In Black” threw toy trucks to kids with a tag that read “Dump Bush”. Also, they tossed candy to those children along t...

‘The Dream’ is Still Unattained

A few years ago while heading in to work on L.A.’s 405 freeway, I heard a radio interview with writer Shelby Steele. He made a comment that Dr. Martin Luther King’s parents were staunch Republicans. I don't kno...
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Stupid Black Parents

At least that’s the impression one got when visiting the New Jersey Education Association web site before a couple of days ago. The teachers union made an admirable attempt to involve parents in the educatio...