Blacks Can Steal Now

Probably the most disturbing story (and video clip) I’ve seen in awhile.

That says a lot.

Later that same day, while watching ABC News coverage of the inauguration with my wife over lunch, hosts Charles Gibson and Diane Sawyer were joined by Donna Brazile, a Democratic African-American author, educator and political activist, who gave a humorous account of her snatching the complementary fleece blanket she found abandoned in Barack Obama’s chair after the swearing-in ceremony. Apparently she wanted a souvenir of the momentous occasion and when the opportunity arose, she took it.

As they all laughed about it, Gibson responded playfully to her candid admission by saying: “We’re going to check with the legal staff and find out if that’s a felony or a misdemeanor.”

Brazile then gave a stern look into the camera and said: “We have a black president – it’s neither.”
NewsWithViews, 1/21/09

That is now the official message of this new era in American politics.

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