I've always laughed at the Republican Party's failed attempts at "outreach". It's pandering at the least and condescension at its core. In my personal...
Some of us stopped listening to music subscribers because we noticed a very audible downgrade in sound quality. At first, our favorite songs sounded j...
Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where MAG...
The murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi was the top talking point before, during, and after President Biden's trip to the Middle East...
Democrats are historically prone to overreaching. They believe they know what's best for those they've sworn to serve and demand they obey, by force i...
Pardon the cynicism but there appears to be no access to a fair trial if you're a conservative Republican in the United States, especially in Washingt...
With great fanfare, the Biden administration will unleash their latest mechanism to save Democracy, led by a previously irrelevant partisan millennial...
If the President of the United States walked into a room, he would be surrounded by many people who'd want to talk to him, be seen with him, get a pic...
In the years since the most egregious example of liberal indoctrination at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, New Jersey in 2009, I...
Seeing how some in the media are doing some reporting regarding Biden's attempt to push the Iran nuclear deal, let's go there for proper frame of refe...
In the category of do-you-know-where-you-were-when a momentous incident happened, many of us remember where we were when Rush Limbaugh came to Washing...