As Virginia’s Loudoun County has become the national epicenter of the resistance to Critical Race Theory, mask mandates, and forced transgender acceptance ramifications in schools (much to the horror and indignation of the woke ideology), a loud example had to be made of them. Democrats all about punishing their opposition and now we see another example of the Biden administration putting uncooperative citizens in their rightful place.
Afghan refugees will be dumped in their neighborhood and all considerations to the residents are rescinded.
According to a press release from Loudoun County Sheriff Michael L. Chapman….
Sheriff Chapman Addresses Potential Relocation of Afghan Refugees by DHS to the National Conference Center in Lansdowne
Loudoun County, VA (February 17, 2022)- On February 4, 2022, the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) received an unannounced visit by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Protective Service (FPS) in which it learned that approximately 2000 Afghan refugees, per month, were slated to arrive at the Washington Dulles International Airport during a window beginning as early as February 19, 2022, and extending to September 2022.
That’s at least 16,000 Afghans, but you know it will probably be more, not less.
DHS/FPS regional personnel advised the refugees would be transported by bus to the National Conference Center (NCC) where they would stay until their ultimate relocation elsewhere in the United States. DHS/FPS estimated that no more than 1000 refugees per month would remain at the NCC at any given time until September 2022. The refugees, for the most part, would enter the US from Qatar. DHS/FPS advised that the refugees will be provided cash and cell phones from non-government organizations and be required to remain on the NCC grounds.
While hundreds of thousands of Americans are currently circumnavigating “programs” created to alleviate their homeless status, Afghan refugees have been given head-of-line status to receive “cash and cell phones”. Must be nice as you know they’ll also be given a prompt, soft place to land as well.
As the information was vague, Sheriff Chapman raised this issue at a committee meeting the following day in Washington, DC. He was immediately contacted by members of DHS and received a phone call from the DHS executive staff. A follow-up conference call with a senior member of FEMA occurred the following day where he raised concerns about DHS’ lack of communication, lack of planning, language barriers, a failure to communicate with a myriad of potential stakeholders, and the NCC’s unfenced proximity to a residential neighborhood and two public schools.
A “failure to communicate” or an issue not to be considered their problem…?
While the LCSO is more than willing to assist Afghan refugees and their families who provided support to our military and defense personnel in Afghanistan, DHS had difficulty addressing several concerns raised during a subsequent conversation. These concerns are provided below:
What level of vetting has been conducted to ensure refugees entering Loudoun County had aided the United States and were not a threat to the US or our local community?
DHS Response – Refugees had been carefully vetted and many served as translators. However, when asked how if in fact they served as translators when only 30% of the refugees spoke English, DHS responded that many of the incoming refugees were family members of the translators.
Biden’s assertions and actual numbers never add up.
Recent reports have let the American people know that the Biden administration’s “vetting process” when it comes to Afghans has been piss poor to date and many with clear terror ties have gone dark once released into the United States. Assurances from the Department of Homeland Security should be taken with a huge grain of salt.
Considering the NCC is located within a largely residential area of Lansdowne and within walking distance of Riverside High School and Belmont Ridge Middle School, what arrangements were made with Loudoun County stakeholders to ensure the area is secure for the community?
DHS advised that the FPS would provide 15 officers for security at the NCC. However, the FPS has no law enforcement jurisdiction in Loudoun County and cannot enforce nor investigate any criminal activity on the campus.
They’ll be Loudoun County’s problem.
When pressed further about safety issues, DHS stated that the NCC would be designated a federal facility. What would that mean?
Basically nothing. Regardless of that designation, any potential criminal activity or domestic issues that might occur on the NCC campus would not fall under federal code but under state and local law, therefore limiting FPS’ ability to intervene, assist, or investigate these matters.
They’ll be Loudoun County’s problem.
What communications had been done to prepare area residents who may be impacted by this?
Why is this no surprise?
It sounds like it Afghan refugees would simply be dumped off in Loudoun County with no consideration for those who not only live there, but the taxpayers who’ll have to foot the bill for dealing with any problems they’ll bring with them.
What coordination with other Loudoun County stakeholders had been performed to this point to include Loudoun County Fire and Rescue (for medical emergencies), Loudoun County Public Schools, Loudoun County Department of Mental Health, Social Services, local hospitals, the Adams Center, or other area houses of faith, or the County government at large?
None. DHS stated that no coordination had occurred and that no notifications had been made to the community surrounding the NCC (as of February 15). Additionally, no coordination had been performed either with the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Director of Public Safety.
Of course not.
The Biden administration fucked up the “largest airlift of people in history” from Afghanistan, let anyone get on the flights out, squelched most of the reports of the crimes some of the refugees committed on the military bases they were sent to and in the surrounding neighborhoods, and left their logistics to non-governmental organizations that have no sense of urgency to address their situation because they’re on the clock.
What federal financial assistance would be proposed to help with the added responsibilities to stakeholders?
DHS proposed grant funding. Unfortunately, any grant funding would likely be available well after the projected September exit date of the refugees.
Translation: Again, they’re Loudoun County’s problem until September and then they’ll be accepting grant applications that will take as long as the Biden administration get’s around to process them. No positive outcome is guaranteed and it will probably fall on the locals to foot the bill.
Sheriff Chapman’s concerns were brought to the highest levels of DHS and on February 8th, he received a telephone call directly from DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Secretary Mayorkas apologized for the lack of communication by DHS with the LCSO and other stakeholders but assured Sheriff Chapman that his concerns would be addressed.
Mayorkas has had to issue a lot of “apologies” during his short term.
On February 15, 2022, Sheriff Chapman and his command staff met with members of DHS FPS, the US Secret Service, and FEMA, at which time Sheriff Chapman insisted that DHS draft a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to ensure the roles and expectations of all stakeholders are clearly delineated and agreed upon, as well as the duration the refugees will be staying at the NCC. DHS offered to provide security cameras, fencing around the perimeter with additional FPS personnel and interpreters; however, no additional accommodations were offered.
As of this date, a draft MOU has not been produced and DHS has not yet contracted with the NCC.
Agencies of the Biden administration have blown off multiple requests, be them from congressional or senate committees conducting oversight, for documents, responses to questions from lawmakers, etc.
You know Sheriff Chapman is low on their priority list.
“As I have a responsibility for the safety and security of Loudoun’s citizens, I want to ensure that our community is aware of the concerns we have raised and the expectations we have from our partners with the federal government. Currently, those expectations have not been met, and we continue to have concerns as to whether the NCC is an appropriate location to support this mission,” said Sheriff Chapman. “We will continue to keep our community informed as this process continues. If the resettlement proceeds, we will work with the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors and all stakeholders to ensure that appropriate resources are obtained for the refugees’ successful transition into the United States,” he added.
We applaud Sheriff Chapman for his public optimism during a time of unknowns and non-responses from DHS. Behind closed doors, he’s probably shaking his head trying to wrap his arms around the shit show Biden has dumped in his jurisdiction.
You know this will be yet another topic that will be on the table come November because the chances these Afghan citizens will be model citizens before then are slim to none. Most will be thankful at first but the whining, criticisms and demands from the growing ungrateful will soon come.
They always do.
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