Atlanta Homeless Men Entertain DC Elite… Then Sent Back Homeless

Homeless ChoirCan you imagine what would have been reported by the media had a Republican administration “invited” a mostly-black group of homeless men to sing at the White House and the Republican president couldn’t even be bothered to attend and hear them sing?

Well, that’s exactly what happened last week.

Homeless singers achieve their dream by singing at White House, Lincoln Memorial
It was only last month that Donal Noonan, a burly, bald Irishman who serves as a church musical director at the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in downtown Atlanta, received the call from the White House inviting his choir of homeless men to sing during one of the residence’s holiday tours. Since then, Southwest Airlines comped their flights. DC-based Baron Tours gave them a tour bus to transport them around the nation’s capital. The Crowne Plaza dramatically discounted their stay and provided a free buffet dinner. And donations poured in from all over the world to help the Atlanta Homeward Choir come to Washington.

But on Monday, some of them also wondered what would come next. After a whirlwind three days of reliable meals, warm hotel beds and star treatment, they’d return to Atlanta the same as they were: homeless.

Maybe to a liberal elitist singing at the White House would be a “dream” to someone who didn’t have a place to sleep at night, but to the Atlanta choir, a more realistic dream would be no longer being homeless.

But as long as liberals feel good about themselves, that’s all that matters.

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