As part of their solemn commemoration of the January 6 “insurrection” riot, Nancy Pelosi had liberal “historians” Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham muse about their feeling of the event. Before their presentation, the Speaker showed a video of what was reported as a Zoom call video introduced by the creator of the musical Hamilton and a song sung by some of the performers.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had Lin-Manuel Miranda and cast members from Hamilton sing Dear Theodosia ahead of an event with historians marking the one-year anniversary of the January 6 Capitol attack Thursday afternoon.
Oh, really…?
‘We are privileged to have a contribution from one of the great creative talents of our time, Lin-Manuel Miranda,’ Pelosi said. ‘May his beautiful words be an inspiration to us,’ she added.
Pelosi, standing at a podium in one of the large House committee rooms, then turned the floor over to Miranda and the Broadway singers, who performed the tune over Zoom.
— Daily Mail, 1/6/21
The blind assumption was this song was performed specifically for the January 6 remembrance….
The lip-synced pre-produced video of the Hamilton singers originally aired during a get-out-the-vote Your Vote Is Power. Power In Action: Voting With Our People push, released on October 18, 2020; a whole couple-plus months short of January 6, 2021.
So, while everyone is either fawning, trolling or “reporting” Pelosi’s presentation and Hamilton cast cringe-worthy participation, let’s not forget that someone in her office accurately assumed some in the public and “media” were gullible enough to believe this was all done for their January 6 political statement and not a lazy cut-and-paste video created to make some illusion of solidarity; you know, just like in the Capitol.
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