Most Americans STILL don't know that leftist Democrat activists and federal employees actively plotted to overthrow the government if Donald Trump was...
Pravda 2.0, anyone?
Pravda became an official publication, or "organ", of the ruling Soviet Communist Party. Pravda became the conduit for announcing...
I must admit to tuning out whenever I hear any politician or media personality refer to Americans as "everyday", "average" and "ordinary". To label pe...
Fox News Channel's Bret Baier had a polite, yet contentious conversation with Donald Trump, among other things, over the 2020 election result.
Be it laziness or a quest for attention, those who are paid to deliver news to the public lie and they only reason we know about them is because they'...
Believe it or not, there was a time when you could buy just what you wanted. Of course, there were things you pay for on a monthly basis like power. F...
The beauty of being a liberal news outlet is that they know their intellectually-superior audience will blindly believe any bullshit you present and w...
Honest, inconvenient self-introspection is a trait seldom seen in today's hypersensitive American liberal, and one of the last places one would expect...
In the good old days of what was journalism, the people were presented with actual news; not be expected to take a publication's word just because the...