With great fanfare, the Biden administration will unleash their latest mechanism to save Democracy, led by a previously irrelevant partisan millennial...
On occasion during Donald Trump rallies, his supporters break into a "CNN sucks" chant. Aside from their biased reporting, numbers back the mantra.
If the President of the United States walked into a room, he would be surrounded by many people who'd want to talk to him, be seen with him, get a pic...
Again it begs the question, if COVID-19 is so dangerous and the nation is in peril, why do Democrat politicians continue to break the rules meant to p...
It's almost laughable that anyone in today's news media would complain about the use of a Tweet to bolster a point. We see this almost every day when ...
The Inconvenient Truth on Colin Kaepernick: Stats
There is a general rule in life that makes absolute common sense: talk only about that which you kn...