You can lay this right at the feet of the exploitive leftists in what was once called the “music industry”. It took talent and skill to compose and pe...
In this whole sexual harassment awareness “movement”, in too many cases, the accused apologize and/or resign from positions when the most expeditious ...
From what could only appear as a coordinated attack to coincide with the presser to promote a new “film” about the sexual abuse accusers of President ...
If you were to consume any national American media outlets and sites, one could come to the conclusion that Republicans are THE problem when it comes ...
For more than a year, The View’s Joy Behar has been on a one-woman hate crusade against Donald Trump and Republicans longer than that. When the Harvey...
It’s extremely timely, given the left’s hatred of President Trump, to make the whole Harvey Weinstein-Hollywood sexual abuse thing about men in powerf...