Every election cycle, the media "calls" election results based on their internal metrics; metrics unseen and/or unverifyable by the general public. Th...
I must admit to tuning out whenever I hear any politician or media personality refer to Americans as "everyday", "average" and "ordinary". To label pe...
Not saying Weija Jiang is smart enough to have such foresight and her question to President Trump was more insidious, but it clearly set up what's goi...
Fat-and-comfortable career law enforcement officials at the FBI and DOJ had no problem with pre-dawn raids for subjects of their Trump campaign, "Russ...
Intellectually-superior Democrats were all a-chuckle after the attention-seeking stunt pulled by Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen just prior to the H...
These are supposed to be the best and brightest legislators in the nation. There are hundreds of video clips available online of informative and enter...
Why has the Democrat-media and their left been on the offensive#Resistance against Donald Trump ever since he won the Republican nomination, the presi...