Government shutdown pinches home builders
National Park Service defends shutdown closures
Feds seeking unemployment show shutdown impact
Nexus 5, Google watch may have been delayed by US government shutdown
Now, they’re messing with people’s phones. Playtime is over!
Government shutdown threatens Marine Corps Marathon
The Air Force-Navy attempt fizzled out. Is sticking it to the Marines a good idea…?
Neb. school shuts down Pledge of Allegiance
Insane Tourists Blatantly Defying The U.S. Government’s Demands
Feds Removed Handles From 40 Public Water Pumps Along C&O Canal
Nate Silver, the shutdown, and calling out the media’s coverage
House GOP to offer own shutdown plan, with Obamacare changes
Save your Confederate money, boys, the South gon’ rise again
Government shutdown unleashes racism
Liberals smear vet protest with ONE nutcase pictured at event
Furloughed New York City Workers To Congress: ‘End This Shutdown Now’
Shutdown ruins American Indian protest at Alcatraz
Government shutdown generates stories of misery around the country
As ordered by the administration
Shutdown keeps prison guards from getting paid … but prisoners still making bank
Now the Democrats demand a ransom: Senators demand spending cuts are axed in any deal to end shutdown
If any of these Senate Democrats have a personal balanced check book, they are hypocrites
Government shutdown hits crab fishermen, farmers, physicists
Obama: End Shutdown So We Can Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Majority Think Obama Is Putting His Agenda Ahead of What’s Good for the Country, Media Mum
People Storm Barricades At Lincoln Memorial
SNA Urges Congress to End Shutdown to Protect School Meals
EBT System Goes Down: Obama Voters Threaten Mass Riots
EBT card system restored
This was supposedly not a result of the shutdown and we have every reason to believe what this administration says
Just 51,000 people completed Obamacare applications during the website’s first week
Hawaii Has Zero Obamacare Signups
Insane Tourists Blatantly Defying The U.S. Government’s Demands
93 House members charge Park Service is ‘making up’ rules to shut memorials
Obama DOT Plans use of National Guard to close I-495 Capital Beltway tomorrow?
“Vindictive” Park Service Inflicting Maximum Pain During Shutdown
Shutdown shuts down Do Not Call Registry website
We paid $634 million for the Obamacare sites and all we got was this lousy 404
Almost 34,000 Government Workers Apply for Unemployment
Both Parties Agree: Taxpayers Foot Bill for Vacationing Bureaucrats
I’m sure many are enjoying their time off
Forest Service Closing Only Small Private Campground Operators, Not Closing Large Ski Corporations or State Parks that Operate on Forest Service Land
They patrolled in front of Old Faithful to keep people away whenever it was about to erupt
Smoky Mountains shutdown sparks call for protest
2,200 Employees Stuck in Grand Canyon, Running Low on Food
Now the shutdown’s getting SERIOUS… as government closure dries up the nation’s beer supply
How the State Department Escaped the Shutdown
Grand Canyon Cites People For Entering Closed Park
As shutdown continues, charity offers to pick up slack-death benefits for fallen troops’ families
Some Public Lands Closed To Hunters After Government Shutdown
Military chapel closed in Georgia: ‘Shutdown: No Catholic service till further notice’
Shutdown leaves lawmakers reusing their towels at House gym
The horror
Shutdown brings aviation sales to a halt
Military chapel closed in Georgia: ‘Shutdown: No Catholic service till further notice’
Military commissaries begin to reopen despite shutdown
Veterans’ Affairs office to lay off 7,000
Some pay price for entering closed Acadia
‘Gestapo’ tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone
Runner fined $100 at Valley Forge amid shutdown
Shutdown denies sick girl her Statue of Liberty dream
$445 million to Corporation for Public Broadcasting on first day of government slimdown
Military death benefits denied to families of fallen troops
NIH Stops Therapy Dogs From Visiting Sick Children
‘Shutdown’: Government Buys $47,174 Mechanical Bull
White House trying to make partial shutdown more painful?
National Guard Feels Shutdown Pain
Beck: Obama’s treatment of the gov’t shutdown is the ‘sign of a dictator’
Park Service OKs Immigration Reform Rally On ‘Closed’ National Mall
It’s clear whom this administration prefers
Feds to Furloughed Employees: Checking Gov’t Email During Shutdown a ‘Criminal Offense’
Violators visiting closed National Parks could be fined $50
Obama admin allows government union reps to work during shutdown
Obama Shuts Down Amber Alert Website While Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Website Stays Open
What a petty little man
Despite shutdown, USS Arizona to reopen… kind of
Priests Risk Arrest for Offering Sacraments to Catholic Troops During Shutdown
Rushmore blockage stirs anger in S.D.
Obama’s Golf Course Has Been Spared from the Shutdown
Feds evict elderly couple from their home, cite shutdown
The List: Unnecessarily Shut Down by Obama to Inflict Public Pain
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