#DemocratForeplay: Excused, Covered-Up, Defended Sexual Assault and More

Democrats are quick to dictate the terms of public discussion and instructions on the proper way to treat women, especially with blatant disregard to the “accusers”.

Yes, Bill Clinton is guilty of certain indiscretions in his private life.
Rep. Maxine Waters, 12/18/98

Terms of public discussion and instructions that fall apart when Democrats are the predators.

The left and their media has done everything they could to opaque their complicity in dismissing what is a clear pattern within the Democrat Party: high-profile elected, sexual abuse, assault, and denial via hoping it will all just go away.

Larry Wallace, a top aide to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), resigned Wednesday, amid allegations of harassment during his tenure at the California Department of Justice. Wallace’s resignation came after the Sacramento Bee asked about a $400,000 settlement to end a lawsuit from Danielle Hartley, who was Wallace’s assistant at the California Department of Justice. Wallace was director of the Division of Law Enforcement, under Harris who was state attorney general at the time.
Politico, 12/5/18

California Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman is facing calls to step down in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations. Daraka Larimore-Hall, the state party’s vice chairman, told The Washington Post that he sent a letter Tuesday to the party’s secretary calling for Bauman’s removal after being approached by several party staff members who told him that they had been sexually harassed and assaulted by Bauman.
Washington Post, 11/25/18

A former Ohio judge who served nine months in prison for brutally beating his wife in 2014 in front of their children, punching her 20 times and fracturing a bone in her face, was arrested on Saturday on suspicion of fatally stabbing her at her suburban Cleveland home, the authorities said. Lance Mason, 51, a former high-ranking Democratic state lawmaker and a top county prosecutor, had not been formally charged as of Monday morning in the death of his wife, Aisha Fraser Mason, 45.
New York Times, 11/19/18

The woman who accused Michael Avenatti of domestic violence has now filed for a restraining order against the attorney. According to court records, actress Mareli Miniutti filed for a domestic violence restraining order against Avenatti Monday in Los Angeles.
The Blast, 11/19/18

Back in August, the son of a former girlfriend of Rep. Keith Ellison alleged that the Minnesota Democrat had abused his mother in the course of that relationship. Austin Monahan said he found a video on his mother’s computer showing that Ellison had forcefully tried to drag her off of a bed while swearing at her. Ellison denied the allegations and suggested they were politically motivated — coming just days before Minnesota’s Democratic primary for attorney general.
CNN, 9/23/18

Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York State attorney general who rose to prominence as an antagonist of the Trump administration, abruptly resigned on Monday night hours after The New Yorker reported that four women had accused him of physically assaulting them.
New York Times, 5/7/18

Former President Bill Clinton had an embarrassing #MeToo moment last week in a televised interview, claiming he, too, was a victim of the sex scandal that led to his impeachment. But most voters disagree and see Clinton as a sexual offender instead. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 24% of Likely U.S. Voters consider Clinton a victim of his political opponents. Fifty-three percent (53%) describe the ex-president as a sexual predator instead.
Rasmussen, 6/11/18

Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT) — a vocal champion of the #MeToo movement — is the first federal female lawmaker of the #MeToo era to resign after a sexual harassment and misconduct scandal was revealed in her office. The Congress member from Connecticut announced Monday she won’t seek reelection after reports surfaced that she let a former chief of staff stay on for months after discovering allegations he had harassed, abused, and threatened a female staffer.
Vox, 4/4/18

Former Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra made unwanted sexual advances toward three female employees, according to findings of a sexual harassment probe, including one incident in which he “more likely than not” put a female staffer’s bracelet in his front pants pocket and asked her to retrieve it.
San Francisco Chronicle, 3/1/18

The account — which matches what the accuser, former lobbyist Holly Tarry, told The Denver Post in November — is one of 11 complaints against Colorado State Rep. Steve Lebsock of workplace harassment from five women detailed in a graphic letter released Tuesday by House Majority Leader KC Becker. The disclosures come as state lawmakers prepare for an unprecedented vote Friday to expel Lebsock over an alleged pattern of sexual misconduct.
Denver Post, 2/28/18

Tony Mendoza, a former East Los Angeles elementary school teacher who moved swiftly from local to state government elected offices, resigned from the California Senate on Thursday just moments before his colleagues sought to formally expel him after a series of sexual misconduct accusations.
Los Angeles Times, 2/22/18

Illinois’ legislative watchdog says state Sen. Ira Silverstein, a Democrat, did not sexually harass a victim rights advocate. But Inspector General Julie Porter says that Silverstein did violate the state ethics law, with his teasing and flirtatious Facebook messages to Denise Rotheimer. In late October, Rotheimer publicly accused Silverstein of keeping a bill alive so he could prolong their relationship, and then working to kill the bill as retaliation when he thought she had a boyfriend.
WTTW, 1/25/18

Senator Al Franken of Minnesota, in an emotional speech on the Senate floor, announced on Thursday that he would resign from Congress, the most prominent figure in a growing list of lawmakers felled by charges of sexual harassment or indiscretions.
New York Times, 12/7/17

Facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment, Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) resigned as Congress’s longest-serving member Tuesday, becoming the first lawmaker to step down as Capitol Hill grapples with allegations of inappropriate behavior by lawmakers.
Washington Post, 12/5/17

According to a report in BuzzFeed News, a woman who worked as a finance director for Democratic Rep. Ruben Kihuen‘s 2016 congressional campaign alleged that he repeatedly harassed and made sexual advances towards her.
BuzzFeed, 12/1/17

Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author Ed Klein.
Daily Mail, 11/20/17

So far, there’s been little specific data to help illuminate just how pervasive sexual harassment is on Capitol Hill, but one figure has emerged: the total that the Office of Compliance, the office that handles harassment complaints, has paid to victims. On Thursday, the Office of Compliance released additional information indicating that it has paid victims more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s. That includes all settlements, not just related to sexual harassment, but also discrimination and other cases.
CNN, 11/16/17

A Minnesota Senate staff member filed a complaint Tuesday alleging that Democratic state Sen. Dan Schoen sent her an uninvited, sexually explicit photo in 2015.
Twin Cities Pioneer Press, 11/14/17

Former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) reported to prison Monday morning to begin serving a 21-month sentence for sending sexually explicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl.
Huffington Post, 11/6/18

A former aide to Rep. Bobby Scott on Friday accused the Virginia Democrat of sexual misconduct and said he fired her after she rebuffed his alleged advances.
NBC News, 7/20/17

Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer, whose political career collapsed following a 2008 prostitution scandal, is the subject of an assault investigation involving a young woman, New York City police said Monday.
USA Today, 2/15/16

So far, 18 women have come forward to say that San Diego Mayor Bob Filner acted inappropriately, with accusations ranging from one woman’s claim that the mayor gave her “tush a pat,” to another woman’s assertion that he “put in me what I guess now is the famous headlock.”
CNN, 8/21/13

Rep. David Wu (D-Ore.) announced Tuesday that he will resign from Congress, four days after a report that a young woman called his office complaining of an “unwanted sexual encounter” with the congressman.
Washington Post, 7/26/11

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick was charged with perjury, obstruction of justice and official misconduct on Monday stemming from a sex scandal and the prominent Democrat’s handling of an $8.4 million settlement of a whistle-blower lawsuit against the city.
Reuters, 3/25/08

This list is so incomplete because of the time it would take to document the numerous sexual abuse and assaults in places liberals control like the news media, entertainment industry, grade schools and college campuses on just heterosexuals alone.

Not to mention the untold number of those ready and waiting to exploit the lack of morals for their own professional rise… BEFORE claiming victim status.