While this may be considered newsworthy because of sheer shock value, the “unlisted” video posted by Alpha News was shared with the nuanced, muted pity of expectation.
Alpha News: Grooming children for a life of crime
New York Post: Child hits and swears at cop in ‘heartbreaking’ video from Minnesota
Daily Mail: ‘Shut up b***h!’ Toddler swings at Minnesota cops executing a murder warrant in lawless St Paul where crime has soared since the killing of George Floyd
The Blaze: Very young black children hit, hurl expletives at police: ‘Shut the f*** up!’
BizPac Review: In diapers and kiddie undies, TODDLERS punch, kick, swing, curse at cops serving warrant, drop F-bomb
For obvious reasons, this video has not appeared on any of the major liberal news channels or publications. Not just because it makes black people and their children look rather devoid of normal social decorum, but it’s also a blatant demonstration of the damage white liberal patronage had had over an entire demographic for decades, only ramped up since the rise of Obama’s race politics, through Black Lives Matter to the present woke indoctrination on all levels of society.
Progressive academics, cable news hosts and activists (for the most part) do not live in the neighborhoods they’ve demanded to have law enforcement defunded. Most would have trouble understanding the street language and only tolerate the ghetto nursery rhymes as widely-accepted cultural expression.
The visceral question that’s asked is “Where are the parents?” The better question is who taught them this and passing it down to children is in any way productive to themselves and society? Just what will happen should these children grow up and attempt to do this to police officers? Will the sanctimonious liberals on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc. even care about what such thinking will do to a neighborhood they’ll never visit?
White liberals and their ass-kissing house niggers will look the other way here. If they DO bring it up, it’ll be because conservatives are talking about it. Not out of pity but of outrage that Democrats are breeding a generation of black criminals who’ll prey upon other blacks. It’s only when they venture forth and smash-and-grab or worse in white neighborhoods will it briefly make the news and it will be written off as a homeless, mental health issue.
The next time you see protest imagery with a clenched fist, remember that fist is getting smaller, one day will be aimed at you, and those who caused this will demand you accept it.
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