There are many blacks the Republican Party could (and should) have chose from. Ken Blackwell, Lurita Doan, J.C. Watts, Larry Elder, Ken Hamblin, Armstrong Williams, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele, and I’m sure there are many others who would raise their hands if there were walk-on tryouts.
Michael Steele had name recognition, made the cable news rounds heavily after Obama’s election, and really, really wanted and got the vacant RNC Chair gig. Obviously that should have been a red flag as much was expected of his abilities, he was a questionable messenger at best, and was totally inept when it came to those all-too-important optics which a party chairman should know just a little about.
Flashback: Steele Must Be High: Wants RNC Private Jet
Once on the ground, FEC filings suggest, Steele travels in style. A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.
We clearly could have chosen more wisely, then again it wasn’t up for a party-wide vote.
Well, Michael Steele is a self-aggrandizing, gaffe-prone incompetent who would have been fired a long time ago were he not black. Of course, the irony is that he never would have been voted in as Chairman of the Republican Party were he not black.
The truth hurts but let’s also be consistent when we’re talking about affirmative action hires. All we have to do is recognize the source for starters….
Would The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Cynthia Tucker have won a 2007 Pulitzer for “for her courageous, clear-headed columns that evince a strong sense of morality and persuasive knowledge of the community” if she weren’t black and thus praised by a pandering body in need of translation of the community’s pulse?
Let’s remember how the Party wound up with Michael Steele. In November 2008, the Party was devastated that the Democrats had elected the nation’s first black president while the Republican Party was stuck with being seen as largely the party of aging white people, with good reason.
A party that was hostile to people of color, especially blacks and Latinos.
Cynthia Tucker is in partisan lockstep when it comes to perceptions of Republican racism. I would be very curious to hear her probable kneejerk response to the racist comments of Democrats like the late Robert Byrd, Bill Clinton on Obama’s serving him coffee, Harry Reid and Obama’s on-and-off Negro dialect, and John Mayer’s boasts of his “nigger pass.”
I would also ask Ms. Tucker to name the first two black Secretaries of State, first black National Security Adviser, as well as the first black to be a national party chair? Which party do they belong to?
So the Party needed a new face, preferably a face of color, and they didn’t have very many officials to choose from. So, they came up with Michael Steele. And it is very ironic since the Republicans have been so critical of affirmative action, to watch them stuck with their affirmative action hire that they dare not get rid of because that would generate even more controversy.
Tucker had be very careful when bringing up affirmative action.
I am more qualified to be President of the United States than is Barack Obama. Granted, I’ve not met a payroll, but I do have the ability to go back and look at what’s not only created a positive atmosphere for job creation, but what’s also resulted in the doubling of tax revenues for the government: both things Barack Obama refuses to do.
As a veteran, I would not have let an Army general in-theater languish for months with not so much as even a phone call, when he requested reinforcements on the battlefield.
And if the Republican Party hadn’t picked a black man as RNC chair, Cynthia Tucker would be the first person to point her finger, shake her head, and bitch about how nothing’s changed in the Republican Party while she gloated about “Change We Can Believe In”.
Maybe the GOP should’ve looked at that ol’ content-of-one’s-character and not just the color-of-one’s-skin thing. THAT’s how we wound up with Michael Steele.
Update: Michael Steele’s Univision Suck-Up Fail
While illustrating her ignorance of the GOP, perhaps Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution should now spend more of her time asking why Democrat whites and Independents are abandoning the first black Democrat. Of course she’ll say it’s not because of race but because of what Obama inherited.
Heaven forbid she see racism coming from its historical origin (see The Democrat Race Lie).
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