If some black people have an issue with white liberals anointing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as approved spokesmen for the “community”, we should also have an issue with white conservatives anointing people like Candace Owens to speak for blacks, specifically black conservatives.
Especially when, AGAIN, conservatives fail to properly vet those they foist in front of us as champions of the cause.
On the January 8th episode of Fox Nation’s “Reality Check”, Candace Owens claims to have registered as a Republican before the 2018 midterm election. However, later during the April 9th House Judiciary Hearing on “Hate Crimes and the Rise of White Nationalism”, Owens said something entirely different… under oath.
Either Candace Owens lied to all conservatives on Fox News and told the truth under oath to Congress, OR she told the truth to David Webb and lied to Congress. Obviously the former as the possible ramifications are much more severe deliberately misleading a House committee.
Further propping herself up to blind, worshiping supporters on the right was an easier call.
[…] 3/8/18: Kirk, Owens Promoted by Clueless Conservatives 5/13/18: White Conservatives Must Stop Anointing Black Conservative ‘Leaders’ 6/7/18: Kirk’s Turning Point USA Has Perfected Begging; Hides Its Internal Racism 7/5/18: To Horny Conservative Males, #WalkAway Candace Said it First! 7/6/18: Black Conservatives Are GOP Props; Your ‘Black Friends’ When Convenient 7/8/18: Owens and Kirk Leading #WalkAway Blacks… to Where Exactly? 11/5/18: ‘Reformed Republican’ Proves How Stupid Some Conservatives Are 3/15/19: Media Lies About NZ Shooter Manifesto Motivations, Blames President Trump 4/11/19: IF… Candace Owens Was Truthful to Congress, She Lied to Conservatives […]
[…] regard as to how it might negatively affect his nonprofit. Candace Owens wrote many pieces (as a practicing Democrat) denigrating Tea Party Republicans, one in which she was waiting for us to die off so people of her […]
[…] are way behind because they choose which blacks to speak for us; some of those blacks with opportunistic accomplishments and motivations. They want to be seen with us but not allow us to speak for and work with them also as […]