Most Americans STILL don't know that leftist Democrat activists and federal employees actively plotted to overthrow the government if Donald Trump was...
Conservatives tend to be susceptible to those claiming to be on their side, despite the fact too many are unwilling to do some simple vetting to see i...
I must admit to tuning out whenever I hear any politician or media personality refer to Americans as "everyday", "average" and "ordinary". To label pe...
The choir is singing in unison, albeit pitchy.
"Crybabies and losers say life isn’t fair. And Trump is both,” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said. “W...
They assume special status for themselves. Should they ever get busted for anything, the first thing out of their mouths is "Do you know who I am?"
On occasion during Donald Trump rallies, his supporters break into a "CNN sucks" chant. Aside from their biased reporting, numbers back the mantra.
For the last few years of the Trump Administration, liberal Democrats gleefully denied his officials the ability to dine in restaurants, Republican se...
Despite numerous, uncomfortable examples going back centuries, women continue to use their looks and reproductive organs for personal and professional...
As was the case with Stacey Dash and Joy Villa, conservatives failed to vet those they anoint to "leader" status. Too many times, all it took was a sk...
If some black people have an issue with white liberals anointing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as approved spokesmen for the "community", we should al...