
#Outnumbered Legs, Now Dash Cleavage

Years ago, I mocked the notion of the Fox News “leg cam” and it would appear the whole notion of the intelligent, conservative woman is now being called into question by the display of the very attributes the e...

Prop H8 Hypocrites

Gay activists got what they wanted and yet, they are seemingly on a constant lookout for the new pound of flesh…. Brendan Eich is gone. The creator of JavaScript and co-founder of mozilla.org has quit as Mozil...

Hate Hoaxes

Justifying and Excusing False Accusations CBC: Crying hate crime: how hoaxes give bigots ammunition to undermine real victims WaPo: Experts on hate crimes say that false accounts are still relatively rare....
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Talk Radio Host Humiliates Black Republican

Despite the efforts of the Democrat Party to defeat the Voting Rights Act of 1965, today they openly brag about protecting the rights of all people to vote for the candidate of their choice. However, it’s also ...