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GOP outreach to blacks: fuggeddaboudit

Originally published in The Daily Caller In 2000, blacks faced a dilemma. Activists and Democrat politicians accused Republicans of racism. Over 90% of blacks voted for Democrats. But after the heated presid...

Nation of Cowards

One of the most unfortunate results of the race card being played is the fact that the players seldom have to live with the messes they make. For purely political reasons, blacks and whites have been intentiona...

3/5’s of Intentional Distortion

Here’s a great illustration of why only ignorant, liberal dupes listen to Michael Moore. In his latest letter to the world, Moore closed with… Pennsylvania, the state that gave birth to this great country, ...

Let’s Compare Hate

The media reciters claim the Tea Party people are the sole instigators of political hate in America. Let’s leave out the fact that I don’t recall seeing any reports of arrests from disturbances of any kind (e...

The Dixiecrat Myth

The left is quite annoyed that myself and others dare link the racist, segregationist past in this country to Democrats, at that flies in the face of everything they claim to champion, when it comes to civil ri...