Liberals worldwide demand we allow all "migrants" into their countries, no matter how they wind up there. It's called every pejorative if you require ...
With the unfortunate aftermath of the church shooting in Texas, the liberal left and their media has yet again taken this as a “crisis” not wasted.
Shortly after the presidential election, the Minneapolis City Council introduced and passed a resolution declaring “solidarity” with their Muslim comm...
The media can constantly repeat the whole Donald Trump-colluded-with-the-Russians thing hour after hour, despite not one drop of evidence, but when a ...
Maybe it’s because the media elites don’t want to be Charlie Hebdo’d and consider their safety more important than reporting on what the modus operand...
The president wasn’t satisfied with the Muslim refugees already brought into the United States WITHOUT a single discussion with the American people wh...
Let’s see if we have this right: The “Christmas” vacation-school break name was considered too religious and violated that so-called “separation of ch...
It’s real easy to recite a simple number not backed up by any real facts and ignore a real crisis that would require more than false stats, hashtags, ...