The COVID-19 is being shown to have been blown way out of proportion. Authoritarian Democrat and RINO governors are facing public rebellion, courts ar...
When a true autopsy is performed regarding the overreaction to the Coronavirus outbreak, many should be justified in asking why we should EVER trust a...
When 800,ooo federal employees were out of work for a whopping 35 days, we were inundated with sob stories from fat-and-previously happy employees lam...
We're all being subjected to the results of college students circumventing what was the normal process of entering the journalism profession of workin...
As mentioned here many times before, when bad things happen to Americans, the elected and their media lament for our loss. But when bad things happen ...
Since the ramp up of the Coronavirus outbreak in the United States, President Trump has been in and around Washington D.C. almost every day doing his ...
Under their authority as elected officials, many have taken it upon themselves to order businesses to close based on what they deem "essential". In so...
The media loves to thrown people's words at them. They accuse people of lying, destroy people's character based on their words, yet all hell breaks lo...
Nonprofits are always looking for donors. Nonprofits will exploit events for dollars. This happens on the left and the right. This becomes problematic...