There are many on the right who genuinely don’t know about anything that doesn’t appear on either the Drudge Report or Fox News, so this may be breaking news to some.
Fox News anchor Shep Smith himself said he has a “fagitude”. As we stopped watching him years ago because he was too full of himself on air, we can’t say if he’s brought his personal life on the set but let’s be real here: there are a lot who watch “the craziest conservative network on Earth” that might have a problem with that, he knows it, and he appears a tad condescending regarding his audience.
Last month at his alma mater, the University of Mississippi, he said as much and not in a seven-second soundbite taken out of context.
He just went on and on…
So why go there? What’s ever accomplished by insulting your audience at that “freaky place I’m working” and their sense of morality, or with the climate of sexual harassment awareness at Fox News, could it be something else? Is it now about giving his employer a pause from taking actions against him for a situation in HIS past, or is he just being a narcissistic jerk?
Since we don’t watch Shep, we could care less.
We report, you decide.
It appears President Trump has had enough of Shep as well.
Trump has repeatedly denounced the media during his presidency, often referring to it as “fake news” and the “enemy of the people.” But he has taken a different view of Smith, though. In March, the president derided Smith as the “lowest rated anchor,” saying that he should be working at CNN.
For his part, Smith has consistently taken a critical view of Trump during his two-plus years in the White House. Among other things, he fact-checked Trump’s prime-time address on border security in January during his daily news program. Last month, he described Trump’s attacks on a group of minority congresswomen as a “misleading and xenophobic eruption of distraction and division.”
— The Hill, 8/7/19
Probably not exactly the ringing endorsement Fox News wants to hear.
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