We were told (literally) for YEARS that there was all this "evidence" that Donald Trump, his campaign, Transition Team and later his Administration "c...
We're seeing, on an almost daily basis, the textbook definition of "projection" when it comes to the words and deeds of liberal Democrats.
The media, albeit dishonestly, is alleging that President Trump is willing to take opposition research on an election opponent from a foreign governme...
Intellectually-superior Democrats were all a-chuckle after the attention-seeking stunt pulled by Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen just prior to the H...
These are supposed to be the best and brightest legislators in the nation. There are hundreds of video clips available online of informative and enter...
Despite the real time mental breakdowns you continue to witness on CNN, MSNBC and in most rags, there are a few liberals who are sounding the warning ...
If you didn’t think the so-called #DeepState isn’t scared shitless about the possibility that President Trump may soon declassify all documents relati...
On May 17, 2017, Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein signed Order 3915-2017 and the Mueller investigation into Donald Trump’s campaign colluding wi...
As usual we must preface this (again) by asking you to imagine the outrage, if not quick dismissal from employment, had anyone at CNN or any other med...